Events and Course Calendar and Bookings

Events/Courses Software

The WordPress Events Manager plugin allows website users to book courses and events online. This can be very useful for clubs, community groups and U3A groups, because it is a low cost option. Events Manager can replace PDF files and printed course or event booklets. Events Manager has the following features:

  • Courses and events can be displayed on a web page in a table, sorted by date. For example:
  • Members can click through to see details of the course or event. For example:
  • Courses and events can be assigned to a category, eg ‘History’
  • There is a search function
  • If required, bookings can be limited to members only.
  • Events Manager Pro allows website users to pay for courses and events online. The group will need a Paypal or Stripe account (Stripe is easier to set up). Payments can also be made offline. Bookings are confirmed once the payment is marked as received.
  • Events and courses can be imported (from a .csv file)
  • Google Maps can be enabled, so that course and event locations are displayed. (We’ll need to set up a Google Cloud account with an active credit card attached.)

Events & Courses Software Costs

The Events Manager software is free. However, you’ll need to purchase Events Manager Pro if you’d like your members to be able to pay for individual courses and events online.

The following charges are for clubs and community groups that require help with setting up Events Manager:

Initial Setup

From $499

With standard customisations.

Course/Event Import

From $299

Depending on the number of events or courses and how well formatted the spreadsheet is. Note that courses or events with missing entries in mandatory fields will not be imported. Please fill missing phone numbers with 000 000 000, missing email addresses with [email protected], [email protected] etc, and missing address fields with ‘address 1’, ‘suburb’, ‘NSW’, ‘0000’

Further customisations

$99 per hour.

If required.

Estimate can be provided.

Events Manager Pro

$350 per year.

If several groups want to take online payment for courses, the cost can be shared (multisite websites only).

Notes About Events Manager Pro and Online Payments

  • Events Manager Pro allows clubs and community groups to take online payment for courses and events.
  • Events Manager Pro is not necessary for clubs and community groups that take online bookings but not online payments.
  • Online payments require a Paypal of Stripe account. Stripe is easier to set up.

A Simpler Solution

If you only want a simple list of courses on your website, consider using My Calendar or’s All in One Event Calendar instead. These may be simpler. You could also simply add the entries to a page.