The Petya Virus is similar to the WannaCry virus that crippled hospitals and ambulance services in England.
Like WannaCry, it encrypts Windows Computers and holds you to ransom. Unfortunately, paying the ransom doesn’t necessarily recover control of your computer.
If you want more details, read this Wordfence post about Petya Virus.
Luckily, you can protect your computer by creating a file called c:\windows\perfc and making it read-only. There’s a batch script to do this for you. I’ve checked the file and it’s legitimate. You only need to do this if you’re running Windows. This is what you need to do:
- Download the batch script –
- Open File Explorer
- Go to your Downloads folder
- Right click on nopetyavac.bat and select ‘Run as Administrator’
- If you have security software, it’ll probably generate a warning. You’ll need to click ‘Allow’.
That’s it – all done! Tell your friends!